It is known that the main causes of tooth decay are bacteria and poor oral hygiene, tooth decay is caused by the bacteria Streptococcus mutans and the acid produced by that. Therefore, the prevention of caries based on controlling the growth of bacteria in the mouth and brushing teeth. But methods of bacteria control take away not only bad bacteria but beneficial as well.

Weston Price was a dentist who practiced in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s in Cleveland, Ohio. In the 1930’s he travelled around the world to study all the “primitive” cultures of the world. At that time, there were many tribes which were not exposed to western civilization and in particular, diet of processed foods such as white flour and sugar.

In his book “Nutrition and Physical degeneration” he demonstrated that within one generation of the parents and children consuming white flour, sugar and other nutrient-poor foods, the faces became narrower, the dental arches irregular with crowded teeth and they began to develop tooth decay. Dr. Price concluded that this was a result of poor nutrient absorption interfering with growth and tooth development. He also noted that this change in dietary habits increased the development of allergies, mouth-breathing, a change in tongue posture and development of a long and narrow face. Also the generation fed with refined sugar and white flour was less tolerate to many infections and tuberculosis.

Dr. Price indicated that these conditions are in fact not genetic but, rather, caused by a lack of vital nutrients during the formative period of development.

Traditional cultures followed special preconception diets, one or two years before birth. These diets included combination of grass-fed meats and organ meats such as liver, eggs from pastured chickens, raw milk and butter, cod liver oil, fish eggs, fermented foods (cheese, yogurt, sauerkraut, etc.), soaked nuts and freshly prepared grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods supplied important nutrients essential for proper infant development such as vitamins A, D, E, and K2.

Facial narrowing took place primarily when the three fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,K2) become deficient in the diet. The minerals are necessary during bone and teeth formation already at developmental stage. So if a mother during pregnancy has deficiencies, most probably child will have problems later.

How many of us have wisdom tooth removed?

Jaw bones is growing in three directions and at around age 12-16 the space for the wisdom teeth should be already formed. And today, surgical removal of wisdom teeth became a routine procedure.

Note the magnificent dental arches and beautiful teeth of Australian Aborigines. Tooth decay was almost unknown in many districts

Do we face a worldwide malnutrition?

According to Dr.W. Price indigenous Australians (oldest known civilization on earth) had perfect developed jaws and moreover they have the best visual acuity that had been reported elsewhere in the world. They had been described as “living museum reserved from the dawn of animal life on the earth”. And nowadays Aboriginal people from pre-schoolers to adults have a high level of tooth decay. The DNA heritage of health falls in one generation by introduction of modern food.

Fat soluble vitamins work mostly like hormones, rather than just vitamins, being a signaling system, that guide the growth of teeth and bones. Thus adequate amount of fat soluble vitamins in the diet are essential for the proper development already from being a newborn.

Wherever the primitive Aborigines have been placed in reservations and fed on the white man's foods of commerce dental caries has become rampant. This destroys their beauty, prevents mastication, and provides infection for seriously injuring their bodies. Note the contrast between the primitive woman in the upper right and the three modernized women

Which simple steps will help to prevent cavities in our children?


  • Fortified flours, cereals, breads, baked goods;
  • Sweet drinks, juices and soda;
  • Omega-6 rich oils (vegetable oil, soybean oil, canola oil, etc.);
  • Food with high fructose corn syrup and synthetic sugars.


  • Organ meats (especially liver);
  • Fish and seafood (wild-caught);
  • Meat (Local, organic, grass fed);
  • Traditional fats (butter, lard, tallow, fish oil, olive oil, coconut oil; grass fed and cold pressed);
  • Dairy (raw, full fat ,from grass-fed animals);
  • Bone broth (homemade from grass fed meat);
  • Chicken and eggs (pasture raised);
  • Fruits and vegetables (local, seasonal, organic).

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